Fitness Blender Project

Fitness Blender is a web-based service catering to tens of millions of fitness enthusiasts worldwide, excelling in video content, workout plans, and personalized meal recommendations.

By analyzing web and mobile usage data, I gained a comprehensive understanding of the existing user engagement challenges and devised subsequent recommendations to address them.

As the lead for UI and visual initiatives, I designed use-cases and rules for guests, registered users, and administrators. Furthermore, I created pathways for user involvement in the community and journeys for membership acquisition, ultimately boosting the number of brand advocates.

I established guidelines to help Fitness Blender determine when to offer free content versus paid content, allowing guests to make informed decisions while still aligning with the company's business objectives. Additionally, I strategized ad placements to ensure minimal disruption to the user experience while preserving advertising opportunities.

For the visual design, my focus was on presenting easily digestible content, encouraging calls to action, and showcasing the dynamic Fitness Blender duo through captivating imagery. I also optimized the entire experience for mobile devices, ensuring seamless access for users on the go.

User Research
Customer Pathways
User Testing


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