Enhancing the Ladder Sport Customer Journey

Ladder, a premier nutritional supplement provider, empowers athletes to optimize their performance, recovery, and overall health through their workouts. The brand, backed by renowned celebrities like LeBron James, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Cindy Crawford, thrives under the expert guidance of master trainer Mike Mancias.

Main customer goal: Awareness

Personalizing content and pathways in the awareness stage is key to capturing the interest of potential customers and establishing your brand as a trusted solution provider. By tailoring your messaging and resources to address their specific pain points and needs, you can effectively grab their attention and ignite their curiosity. Providing valuable and informative content through targeted ads, blog articles, social media posts, and videos helps build credibility and positions your brand as an authority in the industry. This personalized approach creates a strong foundation for fostering deeper engagement and guiding customers along their journey, ultimately leading to conversions and long-term customer relationships.

In collaboration with the Ladder team, we aimed to expand the brand's reach and enhance customer experiences. Through extensive research on competitors, market trends, and analysis of Ladder's Google Analytics data, we gained valuable insights. These findings guided the creation of innovative customer journeys, SEO-friendly taxonomies, personalized content, and an interactive community portal. Our goal was to boost customer engagement and attract new clients.

To personalize customer journeys, I follow key steps. I collect comprehensive customer data, including demographics and preferences. Segmentation based on shared characteristics enables tailored experiences. Detailed buyer personas uncover customer goals and motivations. Mapping the customer journey identifies personalized touchpoints. Automation facilitates scalable delivery of personalized content. Messaging and content are carefully aligned with individual interests and preferences.

The visual assets for this project were skillfully captured by talented photographers, such as Human and Crosby, elevating the overall quality and impact of our initiatives.

User Research
Customer Pathways




Eventure Tour Co. experience