Custom Crafted Skis by Wagner: Enhancing Skiing Experience with Science

Wagner designs and crafts custom skis scientifically proven to improve skiing ability and enhance enjoyment on the slopes. They create skis tailored to clients' needs, ensuring a perfect match for every individual.

I had the privilege of working with Pete since the inception of his custom ski business. His vision was to harness technology and science to craft the ideal skis for imperfect humans.

Over our decade-long collaboration, I assisted Pete in refining business ideas, conducting various types of research, setting marketing goals, establishing the brand, and launching Wagner Custom online. Pete once said, "Before working with Todd, I did not have a website." This simple statement encapsulates our productive partnership.

Additionally, I devised web apps and potential partnerships for Pete, created UX/UI designs for numerous initiatives, and developed visual layouts for his online presence.

Our work on the website and web applications revolved around the concept of Skier DNA. This unique formula gathered data from customers and fed it directly into ski-building software and equipment, setting Wagner Skis apart from competitors.


The Wagner difference


User Research
Customer Pathways


Prochain Solutions customer journey


Mahalo flow