EDC.org: Designing for Global Impact

Education Development Center (EDC) strives to develop sustainable solutions for pressing educational, health, and workforce challenges worldwide. Their work is rooted in evidence, empathy, and experience. I joined the project after they were impressed by my visual work for FHI360.

My goal was to design a layout that felt open, encouraging users' eyes to move around white spaces and refocus on various pieces of impactful content. I opted for neutral colors and playful interactive elements to convey EDC's story.

To accommodate EDC's global audience, we conducted research on web suggestions and created a low-bandwidth version of the site suitable for regions with slow internet speeds. It was crucial to address the fact that many target audience members relied on phones or phone bandwidth to access the site and obtain the information they needed.

Our primary objective was to enable users to quickly and efficiently navigate the site, find the content or call-to-action they were looking for, and return to their offline lives. EDC continues to achieve remarkable milestones, and I am proud to have contributed to a new direction for the organization.

User Research
Customer Pathways




By Robert James